
Keep an eye on your emotions, just as you do when water is boiling!

One of the great challenges people face is how to use their emotions as a key for attaining success in life. To do that, you first need to learn to understand your emotions, and then master them. 

Generally speaking, people who let themselves be dominated by their emotions, rather than by their reason, often do thing they end-up regretting, usually when it’s  too late.

Your emotions can be compared to a wild horse that keeps pulling at the reins, incessantly stamping and snorting to be let free. It often happens that the horse does manage to break out of its enclosure and fly away, sometimes to a place where it can no longer be caught and tamed.

I’m sure you see the comparison: the horse is your emotions, the enclosure is your mind, and the untamed place represent a loss of control, and the possibility of great danger, if you let your emotions remain in control. You have to keep an eye on them, just like you’d watch milk heating on the stove, so they don’t boil-over and damage your life, possibly in a lasting way.

To prevent that from happening, you need to learn to master your emotions. It`s a constant process that never ceases, since emotions can rise to the surface at any moment.

The first thing you need to do is practice some form of relaxation. How you control your emotions is completely up to each individual. Depending on your personality, you may want to join a group, or practice on your own. 

Both have advantages and disadvantages, so just do what works best for you. Being part of a group is often more motivating, as people learn from each other, without trying to compete. Practising on your own enables you to go at your own speed, and do a session whenever you feel the need.

Just remember, it may take some time for a relaxation method to start producing positive results, both in a group environment or working alone. 

But if you stick with it, you’ll soon benefit by being able to control your emotions better, and prevent them from impeding your progress.

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